Blackie Banter
Welcome to the Blackie Banter
We are very pleased to welcome the Blackie banter to our website. The fantastic newsletter that keeps you up to date with all that's happening in Blackburn and the surrounding area. Over the next few months, we are looking to load all the issues. Enjoy!
What is the Blackie Banter?
The Blackie Banter is a quarterly community newsletter which has been in existence since 2012. There are a couple of voluntary editors who gather the material together. The articles are then compiled in the familiar newsletter format by Emma who has recently joined the team.
It is produced entirely by volunteers with 1250 copies printed and delivered by hand to all the homes in Blackburn and surrounding area. Our aim is to provide the community with information about local groups/organisations and events plus updates on specific news affecting the community. We also include features about local people, businesses and other items of local interest. The size and quality of the newsletter is dependent on the revenue we receive which comes almost entirely from our advertisers although we do have some income from sponsorship periodically.
Unfortunately due to escalating printing costs we have only been able to print 3 copies of the newsletter during the past year but hope this situation will improve and as always donations are very welcome.
Jackie and Jenny